why'd I pick these shoes? why'd I pick this song?

...I think I just accidentally published this post as a blank. Oops.

So, last night's callback didn't go as well as I would have hoped. I didn't get called back for the part I really wanted, so I sort of mentally checked out about halfway through the callback process. I'd already decided that if I didn't get the part I really, really wanted that I wouldn't do the show - it's just too inconvenient to get to and from the place for a part I would be less than happy with. I did get asked to join the ensemble, which is great because it was a surprisingly competitive audition process, but I know I won't be able to commit to it.

Thankfully, I'm looking at it as more audition experience, which is always welcome! Auditioning is probably the scariest part of acting for me, and acting can sometimes go some scary places!

I do have a couple more hopeful auditions in the next few weeks, so I'm looking forward to those!


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tentatively-aspiring singer-actress writes about rehearsals, lessons, auditions, inspiration, trepidation, preparation, contemplation, and lots of other things that end in -ation relating to music, theatre, and just life as a strange little girl.


A Northern girl with an old soul and a new heart. Equal parts gothic heroine & Disney Princess.


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